

- April 21, 2021

Over a period of time, a women’s body goes through a lot due to Childbirth, Menopause, and Hormonal changes. These can lead to changes in the vagina like increased dryness and laxity. Loss of elasticity and strength in vaginal tissue occurs for a number of reasons, including:

  • Aging – With age there is a loss of tone of muscles all over the body. Same happens to vagina too. Age factor comes into play after the 30s and varies from women to women.
  • Childbirth – Studies done with MRI scan reveal that vagina gets larger after vaginal delivery.
  • Surgery like Hysterectomy
  • Obesity
  • Lifestyle

The loss of vaginal elasticity creates a feeling of looseness (laxity). Vaginal Laxity can lead to Sexual dissatisfaction for both the partners, creating a significant quality of the life issue. Recurrent Vaginal Infections because of the altered Ph levels of the vaginal mucosa. Vaginal Laxity can further lead to Urinary Stress Incontinence.

How is Vaginal Tightening done at Women’s Clinic?

At Women’s Clinic, the doctors examine the patient to understand the underlying reasons for Vaginal Laxity. Further a personalised treatment plan is made. The treatment procedure is similar to a vaginal ultrasound exam, where a specially designed metal probe is inserted into the vagina. The metal probe is a part of the breakthrough technology of Msculpt, Radiofrequency & Co2 Fractional Laser. MSculpt helps strengthen pelvic floor muscles thus reducing the laxity and looseness. Reduced laxity further gives a feeling of a tighter Vagina.

What are the benefits of Vaginal Tightening treatment done at Women’s Clinic?

There are multiple benefits of choosing vaginal tightening treatment at Women’s Clinic:

  • The treatment tones and rebuilds the collagen of vaginal walls and increases the thickness of the vaginal wall further restoring lubrication.
  • The treatment helps reduce uncomfortable symptoms such as itching, burning, and friction
  • The treatment helps improves sensitivity and sexual function for both the partners involved.
  • Vaginal Tightening done is completely non-surgical.
  • The technology is FDA approved and completely safe with zero side effects.
  • The treatment is designed after careful medical assessment of every patient.
  • Any underlying condition is treated to achieve maximum result.
  • The treatments are conducted under doctor’s supervision to ensure that proper protocol is followed.

What is expected during the treatment?

Following are some quick pointers to understand the treatment at Women’s Clinic:

    • The procedure takes about 10 minutes, is painless and has no side effects.
    • Rhythmic contractions and relaxations of pelvic floor muscles are felt during the treatment.
    • The Vaginal tightening treatment is a walk-in, walk-out treatments.
    • Decrease in the vaginal infection and good control over Bladder after 2 sessions
    • Doctors monitor every treatment and are available for answering any query.

For some women, the passing of time, pregnancy and childbirth can have a negative impact on their most intimate areas and cause issues in their marital relationships. For others, congenital deformities of their genitalia can leave them feeling that they are unable to get married and have a family of their own. Whatever the reason, a wide range of problems related to female genitalia can be addressed by expert gynecologists who can treat the issue with the utmost discretion and high levels of confidentiality. Labiaplasty: Labial hypertrophy is a condition whereby the labia minora is excessively large and protruding. This can cause discomfort, be prone to infection, cause hygiene problems and be aesthetically unappealing. In severe cases, the condition can cause emotional issues and problems in sexual intercourse.

  • CO2 laser or a radiofrequency device is used to perform the procedure.
  • Following the surgery, patients will need to take antibiotics and painkillers for three or four days.
  • Most women are able to return to work and resume normal activities within five days.

Vaginal rejuvenation/ vaginoplasty: Vaginal laxity is a common problem with women who have multiple pregnancies and natural childbirths, or have undergone one or more episiotomies. The walls of the vagina can be rejuvenated using different methods, depending on the severity of the condition.

A laser/ radio frequency device can be used to stimulate the collagen production in the area and reduce the size of the vaginal canal. However, the procedure requires several sessions and results can be unpredictable.

The Vaginal orgasm seems to be much more difficult and reachable in compression with the clitoral one. The fact that common people are not familiar with the anatomical structure of the endo vaginal canal, makes it even more difficult to detect. The theory about the existence of the G-Spot, started many years ago. Many physicians and sexologists have been involved in the investigation of this spot/point.

It seems that in the upper part of the vagina, few cm beyond the urethral open, there is a nerve complex which is anatomically connected to the clitoral body, plays the role during the vaginal orgasm. This spot/point when it is irritated, potentially will lead into strong vaginal orgasm and ejaculation.

The technique of G-Spot Amplification® aims to enhance this specific area injecting filling material in a certain way and with certain volume. The procedure is an office minor procedure, done at Dr.Madhuri’s Women’s Clinic and takes 8 minutes to be completed. Patients can enjoy the G-Spot Amplification® results after few hours from the application and might repeat the treatment after 6 months.

Many women suffer in silence when it comes to addressing their sexual problems. Childbirth, menopause and even the natural aging process can cause a loss of sensation in the vaginal region and decrease sexual enjoyment. Many women thus suffer from bedroom blues because they’re unable to feel sexually satisfied.
The O-Shot – also known as Orgasm Shot – is a radical new treatment that rejuvenates the vagina and enhances women’s sexual pleasure. It is a pioneering method that involves injecting Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) into the vagina for the purpose of enhancing orgasms and achieving greater satisfaction for the recipient.

O Shot Treatment Goals

  • Increases sexual desire
  • Makes orgasms stronger
  • Increases frequency of your orgasms
  • Improves arousal from clitoral stimulation
  • Tightens vaginal opening
  • Reduces pain associated with sexual intercourse
  • Resolves urinary incontinence issues

Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) is a term that describes involuntary leakage of urine during activities that increase pressure in the abdomen such as coughing, sneezing, laughing or exercise. Stress incontinence occurs when the muscles and other tissues that support the bladder (pelvic floor muscles) and the muscles that regulate the release of urine (urinary sphincter) weaken. The treatment involves tightening of the Pelvic Floor muscles. The usual cause for SUI are:

  • Age.
  • Childbirth
  • Obesity
  • Pelvic surgery including and not restricted to Hysterectomy
  • Illnesses that cause chronic coughing or sneezing
  • High-impact activities, such as running and jumping, over many years
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